Planning insights and updates

May VCAT Update

A bigger May for VCAT with 70 reported decisions in the Planning and Environment List. Rural councils featured heavily in those decisions of interest this month, which included:

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April VCAT Update

Forty-nine decisions in the Planning and Environment List at VCAT in April including the first appearances for the year for Benalla RCC, Hindmarsh SC and Alpine SC.

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March VCAT Update

A busier month for decisions in the Planning and Environment List in March with 61 reported decisions. While there were no ‘red dot’ decisions there were several of interest including:

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February VCAT Update

February fell one short of a half century with 49 reported decisions in the Planning and Environment List. Decisions of interest this month included:

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Small Second Dwellings

After the release of Victoria’s Housing Statement: The decade ahead 2024-2034 (the statement) on 20 September 2023, we shared key changes that happened along with the gazettal of amendments VC242 and VC253. This article summarises the ‘Small Second Dwelling’ provision, a new planning term introduced on 14 December 2023.

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January VCAT Post

The beginning of 2024 saw 48 reported decisions in the Planning and Environment List. This included the Red Dot decision of Eddy v Yarra CC (Red Dot) [2024] VCAT 2 which considered an objector appeal where an amendment to the planning scheme had been approved before the application for review was lodged and which meant planning permission was no longer required. The Tribunal held that the application for review was now misconceived and a ‘bundle of rights’ did not exist.

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December VCAT Update

There were 60 published decisions of the Tribunal in the Planning and Environment List to cap off 2023. These included the Red Dot decision of

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November VCAT Update

In November there were 49 published decisions of the Tribunal in the Planning and Environment List representing a continuing of the recent trend of a smaller number of published decisions.

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October VCAT Update

The trend of fewer published decisions in the Planning and Environment List continued in October with only 49 published decisions for the month. Of these:

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